
Exploring the Herbs of the Bible: From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Uses

Candace Curry

Exploring the Herbs of the Bible: From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Uses

The Bible, a treasure trove of wisdom and historical accounts, provides us with glimpses of the natural world as it was experienced thousands of years ago. Among its pages, we find references to herbs and plants, many of which have continued to captivate our imaginations and serve various purposes throughout history.

Benefits of Natural Perfumes

Candace Curry

Tags Aromatheraphy, EssentialOils

Benefits of Natural Perfumes
Wearing all-natural essential oil perfumes can bring a host of benefits compared to synthetic fragrances. These perfumes are crafted using pure plant extracts, making them a healthier and more sustainable choice for both your body and the environment.

First and foremost, natural essential oils offer a range of therapeutic properties. Many oils have calming effects, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and promote relaxation. Lavender, chamomile, and bergamot are just a few examples of essential oils known for their soothing qualities. By incorporating these oils into perfumes, you can experience the benefits of aromatherapy throughout the day.

Aromatherapy For Travel: Essential Oils For Your Journey

Candace Curry

Aromatherapy For Travel: Essential Oils For Your Journey

Going on a trip is usually thought of as a wonderful experience, one that you and your family may have planned and looked forward to for some time. To have the most fun, to get the most out of the experience, it’s important that you and your loved ones have the means to overcome those little ailments and discomforts that can make the experience range from mildly unpleasant to downright unbearable. How can we include a little ‘trip insurance’ to our already overstuffed luggage? Aromatherapy has an answer with some readily-available essential oils.   Motion sickness, bug bites, digestive difficulties,...

A Few Tips For Aromatherapy Newbies

Candace Curry

Tags Aromatheraphy, EssentialOils

A Few Tips For Aromatherapy Newbies

I remember when I first discovered aromatherapy several years ago. I was fascinated by essential oils and excited to try using them. I offer you in this post some advice I I found helpful when I was an aromatherapy novice.

As you experiment with and learn more about aromatherapy, you will become more confident using essential oils. There is so much to explore, so be safe and have fun!


Aromatherapy For Healing

Candace Curry

Tags Aromatheraphy, EssentialOils, Healing

Aromatherapy For Healing

In its simplest form, aromatherapy is the use of essential plant oils for therapeutic purposes. They are normally employed to relieve a person from stress and a variety of stress-related conditions. They are also used for promoting an individual’s general well being and in invigorating the body and the psyche.

Aromatherapy works by inducing the olfactory nerve cells with aromatic oils, which then carries out the message to the limbic system in the brain. The limbic system is the part of the brain that is responsible for controlling memory and emotions.

In spite of the lack of formal research on aromatherapy, therapists and European physicians are often prescribing certain aromatic oils for a range of complaints including colds and flu, insomnia, sinusitis, migraines, digestive problems and muscle pains. It must be understood though that aromatic oils must never be taken orally and should be first tested to determine the degree of skin’s sensitivity to some oils.